All non- EU orders on IMPERIAL ICONS are zero-rated for VAT.
If the item you want to purchase is marked as ‘sold out’ on our website, please send us an email of your inquiry and we will notify you when it becomes available again. In some cases we can produce the item as a custom order with no extra charge for the customer if we have availability of supplies.
When creating an account you will have access to your order history and you will be able to track your packages easier. You can also store your shipping and billing address so you won’t have to repeat entering those information again. Creating an account will make your shopping experience easier.
REPUBLICATION, whole, partial or summary reproduction, paraphrase or adaptation of texts, photographs, products and any other material contained on the website in any way (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other), is strictly PROHIBITED without its prior written permission from Any violation of the above is prosecuted by law.
Our business details are the following :
Alpha Forensics L.P.
175 Lagkada str.
P.C. 56430
GEMI 175132206000